Recognizing the Need for a Laundry Room Upgrade

Replacing laundry equipment at your facilities can feel overwhelming in terms of cost and implementation. You require as much mileage out of current machines as possible, but you want to avoid sinking all of your resources into repairs. These key considerations may help you recognize when it’s time to upgrade that laundry center.

Age Doesn’t Lie

The lifespan of equipment varies with machine quality, frequency of use, and regularity of maintenance, but you can generally expect machines to provide 8 to 15 years of service. When they hit double digits, you can assume repairs will increase.

Out-of-Order Signs Frequently Appear

When laundry appliances require professional repairs, signs are posted until outside help arrives. If you find yourself putting on these tags more often, it’s time to look into new machines.

Repair Bills Are Up

Just like out-of-service signs, higher repair bills indicate an increase in the number and severity of repairs. You don’t want to reach the point of replacing machines repair piece by repair piece.

Utility Bills Are Higher

Manufacturers continue to increase the efficiency of laundry appliances. This is good since water, gas and electricity rates constantly go up. Purchasing new energy-efficient equipment benefits the environment, pleases customers, and saves overhead costs.

Wait Times Have Increased

When your patrons have to wait longer to grab a machine, you need to zero in on the reason. Perhaps customer requirements have increased, and you need additional equipment.  The problem may indicate malfunctioning machines or slower run times of older equipment. Installing low-maintenance, faster appliances will help you take advantage of increased revenue opportunities.

Customers Are Giving You Hints

It may come in the form of complaints about equipment performance or the use of alternative facilities, but your laundry users will not put up with the inconvenience. Make sure customer satisfaction is part of your laundry management process. Provide an easy way for customers to give you feedback and take the time to talk with them in person. When complaints steadily climb, think about a replacement.

If signs point to equipment upgrades in your future, contact the specialists at FMB Laundry. Call 410-324-3654 or email us today to learn how new laundry technology can provide amazing improvements.

Listen to Your Laundry Equipment

When you’re responsible for an on-premise or multi-family commercial laundry, big problems result when a washing machine goes down. Employees, tenants, and residents suffer inconvenience and disrupted schedules until the machine is back in service.

Fortunately, washing machines often provide warnings before giving out completely, giving you time to weigh repair versus replacement and work purchasing new machines into the budget. Here are some signs to watch for as you observe laundry equipment under your care:

Age Gives a Clue

A commercial washing machine should last 10 to 14 years. While many variables affect life expectancy, you can anticipate problems as your machine’s age approaches double digits.

Loud Noise Screams Problems

Laundries should quietly hum as the machines run through cycles. When a washer sounds like a racecar, pay attention. Check that all items are evenly distributed in the drum and verify that each washer sits level on the floor to stay balanced. With some machines, you can adjust the four feet to achieve this. Otherwise, you may need shims or a platform. If balancing the washer doesn’t reduce the noise, call a repair person for further diagnosis.

Walking Means Trouble

If a machine shifts, sways, or moves out of position as it works, you need to address the problem. Again, check that it is level. If it continues to shuffle around, keep a close eye on it and get professional help. Even though it is working, you don’t want it to pull the hoses loose or splash out water.

Leaking Indicates Loose Connections

When water appears on the floor, you need to pinpoint the source. With older machines, users may cause overflows by putting in too big of a load. You may also need to tighten water hoses at the back of the machine or replace them, if necessary. If this doesn’t work, consult a technician for help.

When a washing machine signals a problem, move quickly toward a solution. If an inexpensive fix isn’t feasible, start researching replacements. Contact the specialists at FMB Laundry by calling 410-324-3654 or emailing us today. We will walk you through the wonders of commercial laundry technology to meet your specific needs.

Top Cleaning Tips to Maintain Your Washing Machines

If you want your laundry room filled with customers, make sure your washing machines are sparkling clean. Make sure they leave your facility with their clothes smelling fresh and free of unsightly residue. A visual check, as well as a whiff test, of your machines is a good place to start, but dirty drains or other internal problems aren’t that easily detectable. Don’t wait for customer complaints, follow these pointers for washing machine cleanliness and keep your customers happy and fresh.

Develop Regular Cleaning Schedules

Set up a cleaning schedule for your commercial washing machines. Be aware that high-efficiency equipment needs more frequent cleaning than regular machines. Deep cleaning every two months is a good guideline for energy-efficient or high-use machines.

Sanitize Top-Loading Machines

Fill the machine with hot water, add a quart of chlorine bleach and run the machine on the longest cycle. Follow this with another long hot-water cycle using a quart of white vinegar. The two consecutive cleanings rid the machine of bacteria, mineral deposits, and unsightly soap scum.

Sanitize Front-Loading Machines

You may want to clean these more frequently. Be sure to always dry glass doors and gaskets thoroughly. Simply put one-half cup of bleach in the detergent area and fill the bleach dispenser with bleach. Put the machine through a regular cycle and let it dry fully to prevent mildew formation.

Inspect and Wipe Machines Daily

Completing heavy-duty cleaning on schedule improves washing machine efficiency and sanitation. However, machines still need daily surface cleaning. A laundry attendant or janitor should wipe the outside surfaces and inside drums with chlorine bleach water. For heavily used machines, visually inspect and wipe them down several times during operating hours.

Note and Respond to Customer Complaints

Follow these suggestions to keep machines in top running condition while keeping customers happy. Problems may still arise, especially if someone washed a load with heavy soil or contaminants. Provide a way for customers to register concerns and answer any complaints immediately.

Keeping your washing machines clean and odor-free attracts and retains customers. If you have maintenance questions about your machines or would like information about upgrading your laundry with the latest technological advances, contact the specialists at FMB Laundry. Call 410-324-3654 or email us today to get started!

Adding Laundry Services to Your Apartment Community Can Be a Win

Whenever you debate adding a new benefit for your apartment residents, you need to determine if it will increase rentals and if you can recoup your investment. If the new perk accomplishes both goals, you’ve found a winning project.

Residents Appreciate On-Site Laundry Facilities

Not every extra amenity you add to your apartment community will appeal to every resident. Even expensive perks, such as a swimming pool or exercise room, will not be used by everyone. It’s a sure bet; however, that 100% of your residents need their clothes washed each week. It is true a few renters may send out their laundry, but the vast majority of your residents need to use washers and dryers.

Check Out the Nearest Options

If you do not furnish laundry services in your community, where do your residents go to do their wash? Determine the distance to the nearest self-service laundry facility. Is transportation available? Are other apartments closer? Even if a self-service laundry is located nearby, it still is not as convenient as washers and dryers situated right in the building. When your community lacks a laundry room, you are leaving a box unchecked on resident’s wish lists.

Making Laundry Services Feasible

While beautiful laundry rooms make great impressions, most renters are happy just having a washer and dryer available for their use. At a minimum, you will need to purchase the machines, provide a safe community space to house them, and install the necessary plumbing and venting.

By installing card-operated machines, you can set the price for each laundry load. Local research can determine a competitive fee. You want to pay for your investment and operating costs but also keep your residents happy. Clothesline Mobile offers another level of convenience by providing a cashless laundry room with the ability to check your card balance on your phone.

If you’d like to attract and retain residents by adding laundry services to your apartment community, contact FMB Laundry by calling 410-324-3654 or emailing us today! FMB Laundry has the right equipment for your building’s needs.

5 Surprising Items That Should Not Go into the Washer

The washing machine is a marvel of the modern era. It may be tempting to toss fabrics of any kind into the washer and let it run. Unfortunately, the appliance can ruin delicate fabrics. There are also some items that may damage the machine and affect performance. Here are some surprising things that should not go through the washer.



Most pillows and comforters are too big and dense to get clean in a standard washing machine. This is especially true for memory foam pillows, which turn into a soggy, unstructured mess. Before washing bedding, check the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. Most often, they recommend that you spot clean or have them dry cleaned.


Running Shoes

A washing machine can help restore the look of casual canvas sneakers. However, it breaks down the materials used in high-performance running shoes, causing shrinkage. The shoes can also damage the washer basket. If you add them to a full load of laundry, the laces can wrap around clothing. The items that are twisted and tied up may not get truly clean.


Flammable Stains

Washers are ideal for removing organic stains, such as grass, dirt, and food. Unfortunately, washing clothing with cooking oil, gasoline, or alcohol in the machine is a recipe for disaster. The flammable nature of these stains could start a fire if put into either a washer or dryer. Treat the stain with a solvent-based stain remover and hand wash the item.


Unzipped Zippers

Items with zippers can go into the wash, but make sure to close them first. The edges of an open zipper can get caught on fabric, causing holes, runs, and tears.


Keys and Coins

Your car’s expensive electronic key fob may become inoperable after being submerged in water and detergent. Metal items can scratch the interior of your appliance. If they get caught in the cracks, they can damage the machine. Check your pockets before doing laundry, or you might end up buying new keys or new appliances!


FMB Laundry provides service and advanced laundry equipment to apartments, condos, and other multi-family facilities. Contact us by calling 410-324-3654 or sending us an email today!

Reasons to Replace Commercial Laundry Equipment

Commercial laundry appliances have a life expectancy that can vary by brand, maintenance, and frequency of use. Since replacing them can be a huge investment, property managers face a real temptation to put off purchasing new laundry equipment. There are some excellent reasons, however, to buy replacements sooner rather than later.


Weigh Expenses for Repairs and Replacement Parts

As its useful life begins to wane, a machine typically starts to exhibit mechanical and electrical problems. This usually means an investment of time and money for repairs and parts. Sometimes a quick fix can put the appliance back into circulation for many more hours of use. Other times, one problem may occur after another. While it can become a bit of a guessing game, it’s safe to say that the older and more worn a machine becomes, the more likely it will need repairs and new parts.


Think About Downtime Costs

When a laundry machine breaks down, you may incur more expenses than paying a repair person. If the equipment provides services in a tenant or commercial laundry room, you not only inconvenience residents and customers, but also lose revenue while repairs are made. If the machines are used for laundering bedding and towels in a hotel or hospital, broken appliances can quickly cause problems with providing clean laundry.


Consider Efficiency and New Technologies

Replacement of old equipment often provides benefits beyond improved reliability and reduced service costs. Choosing energy efficient models, for example, may result in significant savings in water, energy, and soap. New technologies, such as smart cards instead of coin slots, may supply greater convenience for you and your customers.


Contemplate Tenant, Customer, or Employee Satisfaction           

For employees hired to wash guest’s bedding, or apartment tenants doing their own laundry, finding machines broken or undergoing repair is exceptionally annoying. Providing new, efficient laundry equipment generally produces satisfied users.


If you are ready to explore new laundry machines for your building or business, get in touch with FMB Laundry today. We can advise you on the latest equipment and technology to save money and keep tenants, guests, and employees happy. For more information call 410-324-3654 or email us at [email protected] today!

6 Reasons To Offer Laundry Services at Your Apartment Community, Medical Building and College Campus

Do you own or manage an apartment community, medical building or college campus? If so, then chances are you have probably wondered whether or not operating on-site laundry services would be worth the investment. The answer is yes. Here are six reasons you should set one up right away.

  1. Attract Better Tenants

There are two main types of tenants: the ones who grab the easiest and cheapest options and the ones who look for something specific that best suits their needs. Choosy tenants generally stay longer and take better care of the premises.

  1. Increase Rent

Alongside attracting choosy tenants, you may now raise the rent as compensation for the added perk and investment of providing laundry services. The good news is that these tenants are often willing to pay a little extra to get what they want or need.

  1. Make Extra Cash

Even if you don’t increase rent right away, you can make extra money from the use of the coin laundry service. Those quarters add up quickly and will soon pay off the initial investment.

  1. Easy Maintenance Work

Many property managers are wary of adding new machinery because of repair costs. However, if you partner with the right company to provide the coin laundry service, maintenance and repairs are usually covered in your warranty or lease agreement.

  1. Payment Flexibility

While these laundry services are traditional termed coin laundry, there’s no need to take that literally. Many of these systems can be set up to take credit cards, Google Pay or Apple Pay.

  1. More Tax Deductions

When you own a business, few things are as amazing as tax deductions to reduce your taxable income. You can write off the increases in overhead costs as deductions. These include utility bills for electricity and water.

Do these sound like the kind of benefits you would like to take advantage of? Contact FMB laundry at 410-324-3654 or sending an email to get your laundry service set up today.

Spring Is Coming and It’s Time to Think About Hotel Laundry Equipment

With spring well on its way, you can expect to see an influx of vacationers fairly soon. The season brings with it spring break, and everyone knows that means getting out of town. Is your hotel ready? Have you thought about your on-site laundry equipment lately? While you can’t predict everything that will happen during spring break and in the vacation months that follow, you can be sure you’re prepared for whatever comes your way. That’s why you need to start looking into Speed Queen laundry equipment for your hotel.

Why Reach for the Best in Laundry Equipment?

Of course, there are dozens of brands out there, but you want the very best for your hotel or other hospitality establishments. Speed Queen uses only the most high-quality materials for their machines. Every product is commercial-grade with stainless steel wash tubs and heat-resistant metal parts. These washers and dryers often last longer than their competitors, giving you thousands of cycles more with a warranty. Some other benefits of using these products for your establishment include:

• High Efficiency – Low water usage and fast cycles allow you to lower operating costs. This also allows your guests to get their loads done more quickly so the next person can get theirs in.

• Easy Use – The controls on Speed Queen washers and dryers are easy to understand and easy to use, reducing frustrations for both your guests and your employees.

• Easy Installation – It won’t take a team of rocket scientists to install your machines. With simple hookups, installation is quicker, easier and less expensive.

Giving Your Guests the Gift of Laundry Services

If you don’t already have on-site laundry services available for your guests, it’s time to give them that gift. When you contact FMB Laundry, you can learn more about the equipment available, what the different machines do and how they can each benefit you and your customers. Give FMB Laundry a call at 720-487-1521 or send an email today.

3 Reasons to Upgrade Your On-Premise Laundry Room Technology

Do you manage an apartment or condominium complex, nursing home, college dormitory, hotel or motel, or other property that utilizes an on-premise laundromat? If so, you’re already well aware of the particular challenges managing this kind of laundry room can create on a daily basis. In addition to maintaining your washers, dryers and vending machines, you also need to ensure your cash flow doesn’t have any unforeseen interruptions. Here are 3 reasons to upgrade your on-premise laundry room to include new technologies like smart cards:

1. Mechanical Issues

If you still require that your laundromat customers pay in quarters, it’s nearly certain that you will experience major mechanical problems eventually. Jammed quarters and other coin-related mechanical issues can put an immediate halt to your profits—while severely frustrating your clientele along the way. If your machines are unreliable and jam frequently due to requiring quarters, customers will eventually take their business elsewhere. Smart cards eliminate this particular problem.

2. Safety

Wherever there is cash sitting around, vandalism and theft are sure to follow—even if it just quarters. Thieves may consider a machine’s coinbox an easier target than many other businesses, particularly if there is no regular staff onsite to keep an eye on things. Switch to smart cards and keep all of your cash in one heavily protected spot, rather than scattered all over your laundromat.

3. Enhanced Profits

When you utilize smart card technology, your customers exchange cash for an equivalent credit placed on a unique card that they keep. They then swipe or insert that card into a reader installed on each machine. Most customers will have a remaining balance left on their card after they’re done, keeping more profit in your pocket for longer.

FMB Laundry provides top-notch, on-premise laundromat equipment services. Contact us today by calling 410-324-3654 or sending an email to FMB Laundry to learn what we can do for your laundry room!