Programmable wash cycles will help hotels, motels, and resorts keep control of the wash process while maintaining a high degree of flexibility to launder bed linens, towels and other items.
These laundries will see heavy volumes to process and must maximize efficiency. It’s also important for hospitals and long-term care facilities to assess their incontinence levels as this will have a significant impact on the operation.
While clean results are the goal of any OPL, healthcare facilities demand the highest levels for infection control.
High quality equipment is a must as well as the utmost consistency in cycles, including water temperatures that are optimal for the laundry chemicals being used.
Like spas and salons, athletic facilities such as gyms and fitness centers will see towels making up a large portion of their laundry volumes. Thus, these industries will emphasize speed and efficiency.
Managers will want higher spin speeds to remove more water and cut drying times, and, as a result, utility consumption.
College or high school laundries that may be washing team uniforms and other gear, may desire more control of the wash process.
Technical moisture-wicking fibers in practice and game uniforms require special handling. For this reason, programmable micro controls are desirable to ensure wash flexibility.
NFPA 1851 standards for handling turnout gear are perhaps the most important factors to consider in setting up a laundry. Standards have been set to ensure this equipment is properly cleaned while not damaging the technical fibers that make up the shell or moisture barriers.
Programmable wash cycles will help departments keep control of the wash process while maintaining a high degree of flexibility to launder station wear, truck towels and other items.
Programmable controls enable operators to utilize lower-speed wash and extract cycles for turnout gear, while having the option of higher speeds to trim drying times for other items.
Towels will be the major laundry component in both spas and salons. The two, however, may see very different volumes and have space limitations to house a laundry.
Salons often benefit from commercial manual control washers and dryers, where they can be continuously processing smaller loads throughout the day. In addition, stack units can be an answer to the space crunch some salons are faced with. Soft, fluffy spa towels and robes are key elements to the luxurious spa experience.
Programmable washer-extractors help managers keep the high quality required. These machines also attain high extract speeds to remove more water from larger loads and cut drying time, resulting in improved throughput.
Depending on their size, correctional facilities can deal with literally tons of laundry. In this market the emphasis is on processing the greatest amounts of laundry in the shortest amount of time.
Generally, facilities demand the largest capacity machines. With inmates providing the labor, simple, user-friendly controls will keep loads moving.
Durability is a must as is water and energy efficiency to keep operating costs low.
For other on-premises laundry applications (dairy, vet, restaurant, etc.), managers must evaluate the volume and type of linens to be processed as well as the space available.
Veterinary clinics vary in size and while one clinic may be able to get by with a commercial stack washer/dryer or one commercial washer and stack dryer/dryer, another may require a larger washer-extractor and drying tumbler.
Restaurants face the same range. Smaller operations or fast food stores washing wipe-down rags may need small commercial manual control units versus larger businesses that may be laundering table linens and napkins and demanding larger, or perhaps multiple washer-extractors and drying tumblers.
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