5 Good Reasons To Partner With FMB

There’s no doubt about it. If you have an apartment complex, hotel, college, or hospital, providing on-site laundry service can increase your appeal to tenants and guests. Once you come to this conclusion, it might seem like the obvious way forward is to build your own laundry room. However, there are several good reasons you […]

Delaying Laundry Replacements May Cost More Than You Expect

Extending the use of washers and dryers past expected replacement dates may seem like a great way to save money. However, even if you manage to coax the machines along for another year, putting off the replacement purchases comes with a price. Costs You Can Calculate It doesn’t take an engineering degree to understand that […]

How Preventative Maintenance Protects Your Laundry Facility
  • FMB Laundry
  • Laundry Equipment,Maintenance,Uncategorized

Do you have an onsite laundry facility? If so, you may be wondering how you can save money by minimizing breakdowns. The answer is in regular maintenance for commercial laundry equipment. Why Invest in Maintenance Your onsite laundry facility is important. It is crucial to those who live in the building to have a functioning, […]

New Laundry Equipment Can Revitalize Your Facility

Laundry facilities may vary in size, location, and purpose, but they all face competition. Even in the case of captive clientele, such as apartment residents, dissatisfaction with equipment can cause customers to head elsewhere for their laundry needs. Replacing washers and dryers can meet the competition head-on and put you back on track. Keep Machines […]

Prevent the Spread of Germs with Clean Clothes
  • FMB Laundry
  • Laundry Equipment,Laundry Industry News,Uncategorized

With the spread of coronavirus, we are reminded to take precautionary measures, such as washing your hands and sanitizing the surfaces we touch. However, one thing we should all consider is the sanitation of our clothes. Keeping our clothes and other fabrics we touch clean is vitally important when it comes to the prevention of […]

Why Your Laundromat Needs Electronic Payment Systems

People who frequent laundromats are accustomed to changing out cash for quarters to pay for use of the machines. At best, some laundromats have upgraded their coin machines to take credit cards, though the actual machines still require quarters. Then, there are top-of-the-line laundromats where people have multiple payment options, as they do at so […]

Maintenance Advice To Keep Your Laundry Running
  • FMB Laundry
  • How To Use Your Laundry Room Equipment,Laundry Equipment,Maintenance,Uncategorized

As a manager, it’s important to ensure everything in the building runs smoothly. Whether you provide a laundry area for apartment or dorm tenants, make washers and dryers available for hotel guests, or furnish laundry equipment for employees, it is vital to keep the machines in peak condition. There’s no better way to accomplish this […]