If you own or manage a multi-family property, college campus, or medical building, odds are you have a laundry area for patients, residents, and guests. For maximum efficiency, you need to consider what types of laundry equipment you have. Some concerns should be energy efficiency, water usage, accessibility, and cost. Some washers and dryers may work better for your specific hookups, whereas others could help you maximize your space.
Washing Machines
When it comes to washing machines, you may consider the energy efficiency and water usage, but there are other concerns too. Top load washers are among the most common. They are energy and water compliant to the Department of Energy standards and have scratch-resistant tops. If you have rear-controlled equipment, you can add to it with a rear-controlled front load washer. There are also front load washers that are front-controlled. Front-load washers are compliant with the ADA.
When it comes to dryers, there are a variety of choices. Rear control dryers are extra-large dryers with reversible doors, an upfront lint filter, and fast-drying efficiency. A front control commercial dryer, on the other hand, is 100% ADA compliant, easily serving those with disabilities. Some tumble dryers can offer coin or card vending options.
Stackable Washer and Dryers
You can also find washers and dryers in a stackable style. Stackable laundry equipment saves space. This is especially helpful when you have limited room or if you want to add more washers and dryers to the space.
The stackable washer and dryers still use the same equipment as other machines and can be installed on most floor types. An additional benefit is that both washers and dryers have independent power sources.
For laundry equipment services for your commercial facility, contact FMB Laundry today by calling 410-324-3654 or sending us an email!